Animated drawing of a happy dog girl wagging her tail

Luana wagging her tail.

Art by @chubbymikka

Transgender flag

Proud transgender

Luana Latte

dogpilled and phpilled

yo web developer, linux user, girlfriend and dog in equal parts.

Web developer

I am a fullstack dev at a small team in Argentina. I specialize in Laravel, and I like backend the most.

Linux user

I run Arch Linux as a daily driver on both my desktop and my laptop. I've been working, tinkering and gaming on it for a while now. Even though my linux journey started back in 2018, I went through many different phases and installs before arriving at my current setup. You can read more about it <here>.


I've been dating a raccoon for many years now. We're pseudo-married because they say so and everything they say it's the absolute truth. One day we'll actually get married under the light of the stars.


I'm a dog in case you didn't notice. That's it. *Woof wruff bark* and all that jazz.